23 Water pumps funded by Unity of Fort Myer

The majority of Cambodian lack clean drinking water. Poor drinking water is one of the main causes of infant mortality. HVTO appeals to charitable people to donate a clean water pump. HVTO co-cordinate to make sure that the water pumps are delivered to neediest families.

HVTO thanks Unity of Fort Myers for their financial help. HVTO received $ 5881. S 1821 is used to sponsor two children for their higher education. $ 4060 is paid for the installation of 23 clean water pumps for the people in the community.

Below are pictures of the families who received the water pumps:

These water pumps are serving 50 families with over 300 peopletohave access to clean water for their daily lives. Our people from community would like to express our great genuine gratitude to Unity of Fort Myers for your kind generosity.  Your contribution is a great relief and help to develop Cambodia.

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