21 Water pumps funded by Rosemere High School, Quebec - Canada

Our story: Germaine Artiss and her friend, Maria Scotti traveled with Viking River Cruises to Cambodia in July 2013. They went to visit HVTO center in the village to see many different projects being operated by this organization to help people in the community.

When they returned home in Quebec - Canada, Germaine Artiss and Maria Scotti started to talk about HVTO projects and introduced to their friends. Their emotions led to the commitment to do the fundraising among students' parents, administration, teachers and staff of Rosemere High school in Quecbec-Canada. 

In July 2013, HVTO received $3771 from Rosemere High School to install 21 water pumps for the needy families and people in Kontreang commune, Brasat Bakong district, Siem Reap - Cambodia. 

Now, October 29, 2013, 21 water pumps have been installed in 21 houses and totally more than 45 families with over 200 of people are benefiting from these water pumps.

In the name of people from our community, we would like to say thousands of thanks to Germaine Artiss and Maria Scotti,  all students' parents, administration, teachers and staff of Rosemere High School who have donated money to help with the living standard of our people. May god take care and bless you all.

Below are pictures of the installed water pumps:

Pump: 1
Location: in Ta Trav village

Pump: 2
Location: Ta Trav village

Pump: 3
Location in Pong Ro village

Pump: 4
Location: Sophy village

Pump: 5

Location: Sophy village

Pump: 6
Location: Pong Ro village

Pump: 7
Locatioon: Pong Ro village

Pump: 8
Location: Pong Ro village

Pump: 9
Location: Pong Ro village

Pump: 10
Location: Pong Ro village

Pump: 11
Location: Pong Ro village

Pump: 12
Location: Sreth village

Pump: 13
Location: Ta Trav village

Pump: 14
Location: Ta Trav village

Pump: 15
Location: Ta Trav village

Pump: 16
Location: Sreth village

Pump: 17
Location: Sreth village

Pump: 18
Location: Tra Trav village

Pump: 19
Location: Tra Trav village

Pump: 20
Location: Ta Trav village

Pump: 21
Location: Sophy village

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